Saturday, March 3, 2012

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Winter Redux

Witchhazel blooming in the snow

Just when you think it is safe to start getting out in the garden again, Mother Nature always seems to remind you who's boss.

This winter has been extremely mild in Chicago and there was no snow left when a major storm hit yesterday. This is the result. Of course, the temperature is supposed to reach 57 degrees by Tuesday, so it will all be gone soon.

Meanwhile, the heavy wet snow has crushed what's left of my ornamental grasses and weighed down the boughs of my (formerly) columnar white pine. It has coated each and every branch and twig with an icy reminder of what this winter should have been but wasn't.

I've always thought it appropriate that March was named after Mars, the Roman god of war. It seems like winter and spring are constantly sparring this month to see who will get the upper hand. Winter always loses but that doesn't stop their constant bickering.

All I can do at this point is sit back and watch the battle begin.

By Karen Geisler


Donna@GWGT said...

The snow looks so pretty freshly fallen. Winter just seems to be fickle this year.

jpotuchek said...

It's good to remember that spring always wins this war. I love the photo of the red witch hazel blooms in the snow. -Jean

Unknown said...

Love the snow

Gatsbys Gardens said...

You guys really got hit with that snow. I am south and west of you and we have nothing on the grond. Hopefully, tomorrow yours will all be gone.


Hortiholic said...

Fickle is definitely the word, although it has been milder than we had the right to expect. Thanks for stopping by.

Hortiholic said...

Thanks. I hope so too as I know I have a few bulbs hiding under the snow at this point.

Hortiholic said...

Thanks. I often miss the witch hazel blooms because I'm not out in the garden much this time of year. It was a treat to see them, even if it was after a major snowstorm.

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